Guess who loved their first Halloween?! hehe. Calvin is dressed as Max from the book (and movie) Where The Wild Things Are. My mom made that costume...amazing! Hobbes is dressed as a Wild Thing. It was also a celebration of Hobbes 1st birthday! Pretty good sized 1 year old, eh?

He's standing!! Well, with the assistance of Buster's hand behind that blanket.

He also looked really cute from the back. :-) Taylor said it was like hugging a muppet.


Not that anyone cares about the old folks, but we did dress up too! We are Mr. Green and Miss Scarlett from Clue. I'm holding poison and a candlestick and Taylor has a wrench and a revolver. We were ready for action!
We had a really fun halloween. We went trick or treating with the neighborhood kids and then to a party one of the parents threw at their house. It was a lot of fun getting to know our neighbors and seeing all the adorable costumes. We are lucky there there are so many nice people living nearby and lots of little tykes for Calvin to play with!